Carrion bird
Carrion bird

carrion bird

Ĭarrion will feast on the flesh of anything they can find. The feet of these Undead scavengers are tipped with viciously hooked claws that can rend and tear their prey apart with frightening ease.

carrion bird

They have razor-sharp beaks used to rip flesh from their victims and crack bones for the marrow within. Carrion are bald-headed creatures, and in life they would push their long necks deep within their prey's bodies, emerging slick with blood and viscera. Bones poke through the rotten skin of Carrion, and gashes in their distended bellies often expose the skeletal contents of their last rotting meal. Putrefied ropes of muscle hang from their frames as they fly with slow, sorrowful strokes of tattered wings. They have bodies that are decayed and bloated with death. Carrion are repulsive scavengers that stand taller than a man and have vast wingspans. Ĭarrion resemble the black desert vultures that inhabit the plains of Nehekhara, but they are far larger and more dangerous creatures. From these ancient corpses, the Carrion would once more fly across the skies of Nehekhara to feast once more. This belief led to the Mortuary Cult burying corpses of Carrion in the necropolises, entombing many thousands of them within the pyramids of the Tomb Kings from the time of Nekhef I, who claimed to be the first ruler to use Carrion in his army of eternity and onwards. Īccording to inscriptions, the Carrion were sacred beasts, agents of Ualatp, the vulture-headed god of scavengers, who bore the spirits of lost warriors to the sky to fight in endless battles against the Daemons of darkness.

carrion bird

Wherever Carrion are seen to fly, death and carnage are surely nearby. These undead birds can smell blood from leagues away, and they are drawn to battlefields like moths to flame. Their broad wings, covered in feathers as black as midnight, darken the sky and spread the shadow of doom upon those dying in the desert. Ī pack of Carrion attack a Bretonnian mounted expedition.Ĭarrion are terrifying Undead birds of prey that resemble giant, reanimated Vultures which feast upon the carcasses of those that have fallen within the lands of Nehekhara. Climax of an invocation chant of the Liche Priests used at the Temple of the Sun in Khemri. " The Carrion of the Desert, whose mighty outstretched wings darken the sun on the day of slaughter"

Carrion bird